/*!@file \brief STON Hash Tables \details Aligned general purpose hash functions and memory definitions whose columns are provided, and whose rows, and sizes, are derived. ht_size = header.ht_columns << header.ht_2pow; ht_rows = 0x1 << header.ht_2pow; All generic hashtables in henge must have a power-of-two number of rows. An ht_columns value that is also a power-of-two will result in a power-of-two sized memory imprint for the structure, making it easy to page align. Elements in the columns may be of any arbitrary size. typedef uint32_t my_ht_type; ht_bytes = ht_size * sizeof(my_ht_type); implementation covers only 32-bit unit sizes. \author Ken Grimes \date Feb 2017 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #ifndef _STON_HT_T_ #define _STON_HT_T_ /* Define STON_NOSTATIC to expose included function symbols */ #ifndef STON_NOSTATIC #define STON_FUNC_STATIC static #else #define STON_FUNC_STATIC #endif //STON_NOSTATIC /* If GNUC is detected, uses attributes to stop inlining */ #ifdef __GNUC__ #define STON_FUNC_NOINLINE __attribute__ ((noinline)) #else #define STON_FUNC_NOINLINE #endif //__GNUC__ /* Define STON_NOINLINE to prevent inline compiler hints */ #ifndef STON_NOINLINE #define STON_FUNC_INLINE inline #else #define STON_FUNC_INLINE #endif //STON_NOINLINE /* Define STON_FUNC to override the default STON Function attributes */ #ifndef STON_FUNC #define STON_FUNC STON_FUNC_STATIC STON_FUNC_INLINE #endif //STON_FUNC #ifdef STON_HT_FREAD #include #include //memcpy #include #include STON_FUNC_STATIC STON_FUNC_NOINLINE ston_ht ston_ht32_fread(FILE*,long,void*(*)(size_t)); #else #include #endif //STON_HT_FREAD #include /* STON Hashtable Structure Hashtables are stored as dynamically sized two dimensional arrays */ typedef struct ston_ht_header_t { uint16_t ht_columns; uint8_t ht_2pow, ht_flags; }* ston_ht; STON_FUNC size_t ston_up2pow(size_t); STON_FUNC ston_ht ston_ht32_create(uint16_t,size_t,uint8_t,void*(*)(size_t)); STON_FUNC uint32_t* ston_ht32_row(ston_ht,uint32_t); STON_FUNC uint32_t ston_ht32_insert(ston_ht,uint32_t,uint16_t,uint32_t); #define ston_ht32_new(_COL,_N,_F,_FN) ston_ht32_create(_COL,ston_up2pow(_N << 1),_F,_FN) #define ston_ht32_entry(_HT,_KEY,_COL) (ston_ht32_row(_HT,_KEY) + _COL) #define ston_ht32_insertx(_HT,_KEY,_COL,_VAL) *ston_ht32_entry(_HT,_KEY,_COL) = _VAL #define ston_ht_size(_HT) ((_HT)->ht_columns << (_HT)->ht_2pow) #define ston_ht_rows(_HT) (0x1 << (_HT)->ht_2pow) #define ston_ht_cols(_HT) ((_HT)->ht_columns) #define ston_ht_start(_HT) (((uint8_t*)(_HT)) + sizeof(*(_HT))) #define ston_ht_keyrow(_HT,_KEY) ((_KEY) & (ston_ht_rows(ht) - 1)) #define ston_ht32_start(_HT) ((uint32_t*)ston_ht_start(_HT)) #define ston_ht32_end(_HT) (ston_ht32_start(_HT) + ston_ht_size(_HT)) #define ston_ht32_size(_HT) (ston_ht_size(_HT) * sizeof(uint32_t)) /** @see http://graphics.stanford.edu/~seander/bithacks.html#RoundUpPowerOf2 */ STON_FUNC size_t ston_up2pow ( size_t val ) { val = (val << 1) - 1; val |= val >> 1; val |= val >> 2; val |= val >> 4; val |= val >> 8; val |= val >> 16; return ++val; } /* Creates a new hash table, provided a memory allocation function that takes a single size_t bytes, a column count, and a row count which determines the size of the table. use ston_ht32_new to specify the exact or estimated number of unique keys held in the table. With ston_ht32_new, the provided ht_rows is doubled, and rounded up to the nearest power of two to create a hash table with minimal collisions. */ STON_FUNC ston_ht ston_ht32_create ( uint16_t ht_columns, size_t ht_rows, uint8_t ht_flags, void* (*alloc_fn)(size_t) ) { size_t ht_size = ht_rows * ht_columns * sizeof(uint32_t); ston_ht ht = (ston_ht) alloc_fn(sizeof(struct ston_ht_header_t) + ht_size); if (ht != NULL) { for (ht->ht_2pow = 0; ht_size; ht->ht_2pow++) ht_size = ht_size >> 1; ht->ht_columns = ht_columns; ht->ht_flags = ht_flags; } return ht; } #ifdef STON_HT_FREAD /* Reads a 32-bit hash table out of the provided file at the provide fpos, into a buffer allocated by alloc_fn. Memory is allocated to the stack until the entire structure is verified, and all file operations are finished. Returns NULL with properly set errno on failure. */ STON_FUNC_STATIC STON_FUNC_NOINLINE ston_ht ston_ht32_fread ( FILE* file, long fpos, void* (*alloc_fn)(size_t) ) { struct ston_ht_header_t header; ston_ht stack_ht, ht; long fpos_start; size_t table_size, alloc_size; int errno_local; if ((fpos_start = ftell(file)) == -1) return NULL; if (fread(&header, sizeof(header), 1, file) != 1) goto fail_seekback; table_size = ston_ht32_size(&header); alloc_size = sizeof(header) + table_size; stack_ht = (ston_ht) alloca(alloc_size); memcpy(stack_ht, &header, sizeof(header)); if (fread(stack_ht + sizeof(header), table_size, 1, file) != 1) goto fail_seekback; if (fseek(file, fpos_start, SEEK_SET) != 0) return NULL; ht = (ston_ht) alloc_fn(alloc_size); if (ht != NULL) memcpy(ht, stack_ht, alloc_size); return ht; fail_seekback: /* Try to seek the file back to origin without clobbering errno */ errno_local = errno; fseek(file, fpos_start, SEEK_SET); errno = errno_local; return NULL; } #endif /* Returns a pointer to the row of data in the hashtable containing the provided key, inserts if not found. Returns NULL on overflow. */ STON_FUNC uint32_t* ston_ht32_row ( struct ston_ht_header_t* ht, uint32_t key ) { uint32_t* row; uint32_t* row_start = ston_ht32_start(ht); uint32_t* row_end = ston_ht32_end(ht); uint16_t ht_cols = ston_ht_cols(ht); size_t row_number = ston_ht_keyrow(ht,key); uint8_t looped = 0; row = row_start + (row_number * ht_cols); next_row: if (row[0] != 0) goto populated; write_position: row[0] = key; return row; populated: if (row[0] == key) goto write_position; if (row < row_end) row += ht_cols; else if (looped) return NULL; else { looped++; row = row_start; } goto next_row; } /* Inserts a value into a hashtable at the specified column, returning the previous value */ STON_FUNC uint32_t ston_ht32_insert ( struct ston_ht_header_t* ht, uint32_t key, uint16_t column, uint32_t value ) { uint32_t* value_location, old_value; value_location = ston_ht32_entry(ht,key,column); old_value = *value_location; *value_location = value; return old_value; } #ifndef STON_DHT_SIZE #define STON_DHT_SIZE 4096 #endif /* STON Dynamic Hashtable Structure A dynamic form of the generic hashtable implementation above which uses external allocation. */ typedef struct ston_dht_header_t { uint16_t ht_columns; uint8_t ht_2pow, ht_flags; void* (*ht_alloc)(size_t); void (*ht_free)(void*); void** page_head; }* ston_dht; #define STON_DHT_HEADERSIZE (sizeof(struct ston_dht_header_t)) STON_FUNC ston_dht ston_dht32_create(uint16_t,size_t,uint8_t,void*(*)(size_t),void(*)(void*)); STON_FUNC uint32_t* ston_dht32_row(ston_dht,uint32_t); STON_FUNC uint32_t ston_dht32_insert(ston_dht,uint32_t,uint16_t,uint32_t); STON_FUNC void ston_dht32_free(ston_dht); #define ston_dht32_new(_COL,_N,_F,_FN) ston_dht32_create(_COLS,ston_up2pow(_N << 1),_F,_FN) #define ston_dht32_entry(_HT,_KEY,_COL) (ston_dht32_row(_HT,_KEY) + _COL) #define ston_dht32_insertx(_HT,_KEY,_COL,_VAL) *ston_dht32_col(_HT,_KEY,_COL) = _VAL #define ston_dht_size(_HT) (ston_ht_size(_HT)) #define ston_dht_rows(_HT) (ston_ht_rows(_HT)) #define ston_dht_cols(_HT) (ston_ht_cols(_HT)) #define ston_dht_keyrow(_HT,_KEY) (ston_ht_keyrow(_HT,_KEY)) #define ston_dht_pagestart(_HT) ((void**)(((uint8_t*)(_HT)) + STON_DHT_HEADERSIZE)) #define ston_dht_pagehead(_HT) ((_HT)->page_head) #define ston_dht_pagemax(_HT) ((void**)((uint8_t*)(_HT) + STON_DHT_SIZE - sizeof(void**))) #define ston_dht_start(_HT,_DEPTH) ((uint8_t*)*(ston_dht_pagestart(_HT) + _DEPTH)) #define ston_dht32_start(_HT,_DEPTH) ((uint32_t*)ston_dht_start(_HT,_DEPTH)) #define ston_dht32_end(_HT,_DEPTH) (ston_ht32_start(_HT,_DEPTH) + ston_ht_size(_HT)) #define ston_dht32_size(_HT) (ston_dht_size(_HT) * sizeof(uint32_t)) #define ston_dht32_pagepush(_HT) ((*(++((_HT)->page_head)) = (_HT)->ht_alloc(ston_dht32_size(_HT)))) #define ston_dht32_pagepop(_HT) ((_HT)->ht_free((_HT)->page_head--)) /* Creates a new bucketted hash table, provided a memory allocation function that takes a single size_t bytes, a memory free function, a column count, and a row count which determines the size of the buckets. */ STON_FUNC ston_dht ston_dht32_create ( uint16_t ht_columns, size_t ht_rows, uint8_t ht_flags, void* (*ht_alloc)(size_t), void (*ht_free)(void*) ) { size_t ht_size = ht_rows * ht_columns * sizeof(uint32_t); ston_dht ht = (ston_dht) ht_alloc(STON_DHT_SIZE); if (ht != NULL) { for (ht->ht_2pow = 0; ht_size; ht->ht_2pow++) ht_size = ht_size >> 1; ht->ht_columns = ht_columns; ht->ht_flags = ht_flags; ht->ht_alloc = ht_alloc; ht->ht_free = ht_free; ht->page_head = ston_dht_pagestart(ht); if ((*(ht->page_head) = ht->ht_alloc(ston_dht_size(ht))) == NULL) ht_free(ht); } return ht; } /* Returns a pointer to the row of data in the hashtable containing the provided key, inserts if not found. Returns NULL on overflow. */ STON_FUNC uint32_t* ston_dht32_row ( struct ston_dht_header_t* ht, uint32_t key ) { uint16_t ht_cols = ston_dht_cols(ht); size_t row_number = ston_dht_keyrow(ht,key); uint32_t** page = (uint32_t**)ston_dht_pagestart(ht); uint32_t** pagemax = (uint32_t**)ston_dht_pagemax(ht); uint8_t loop_x = 0; uint8_t loop_y = 0; uint32_t* row,* row_end; next_page: row = *page + (row_number * ht_cols); row_end = *page + (ston_dht_size(ht) - 1); next_row: if (row[0] != 0) goto populated; write_position: row[0] = key; return row; populated: if (row[0] == key) goto write_position; if (!loop_x) { if (page < pagemax) { if (page == (uint32_t**)ston_dht_pagehead(ht)) if (ston_dht32_pagepush(ht) == NULL) { ston_dht32_free(ht); return NULL; } ++page; goto next_row; } loop_x = 1; row_number = (row_number + 1) % ston_dht_rows(ht); page = (uint32_t**)ston_dht_pagestart(ht); goto next_row; } if (row < row_end) { row += ht_cols; goto next_row; } else if (!loop_y) { loop_y = 1; row = *page; goto next_row; } if (page < pagemax) { loop_y = 0; page++; goto next_page; } return NULL; } /* Inserts a value into a hashtable at the specified column, returning the previous value */ STON_FUNC uint32_t ston_dht32_insert ( struct ston_dht_header_t* ht, uint32_t key, uint16_t column, uint32_t value ) { uint32_t* value_location, old_value; value_location = ston_dht32_entry(ht,key,column); old_value = *value_location; *value_location = value; return old_value; } /* Free the dynamic hash table */ STON_FUNC void ston_dht32_free ( struct ston_dht_header_t* ht ) { void (*ht_free)(void*) = ht->ht_free; if (ht_free != NULL) { while (ht->page_head >= ston_dht_pagestart(ht)) ht_free(ht->page_head--); ht_free(ht); } } #endif //_STON_HT_H_