################################################################################ # Desc: SDL2 Build Data # Author: Mihrtec LLC # Date: 2016 ################################################################################ # SDL2 natively supports transpiling (well, almost) ################################################################################ # Download location HGADDR := https://hg.libsdl.org/SDL # No autogen for SDL undefine AUTOGEN # Ensure we have our other libraries, and their associated # accutrements (like jpeg/tiff, etc from SDL2_image) LIBDEPS := SDL2_image SDL2_ttf SDL2_net # Modifications to the build process when using specific compilers define emccMOD = $(eval CONFIGURE += --enable-joystick=no) $(eval CONFIGURE += --enable-pthreads=no) $(eval CONFIGURE += --enable-threads=no) MKCMD := $(subst make , emmake make ,$(MKCMD)) CONFIGURE := $(subst ./configure , emconfigure ./configure ,$(CONFIGURE)) endef define em++MOD = $(call EMCCMOD) endef $(eval $(call $(c_C)MOD))