################################################## #Desc: Missing CLib Generator #Author: Mihrtec LLC #Date: 2016 ################################################## #Included from buildc.make #Defines vars for automatically downloading, #compiling, and linking GNU-like C libraries ################################################## #Modify the dependency generator to find the right directory for #missing lib includes (they are in MLDIR/src/libname/libname) CDEPSCOMMAND += $(patsubst %, | sed -e 's@ \(%\)/@$(MLSRCDIR)/\1/\1/@',$(MISSINGLIBS)) #Automake vars for building libs AMGEN ?= ./autogen.sh AMCONF ?= ./configure AMMAKE ?= make #Notify user of libraries that are about to be built $(info Libraries to be built in $(MLLIBDIR):) $(info $(patsubst %,lib%.so,$(MISSINGLIBS))) STATICLIBS := $(patsubst %,$(MLLIBDIR)/lib%.so,$(MISSINGLIBS)) #Ensure that C files depend on the creation of these static libs CDEPS += $(STATICLIBS)