//====== Copyright (c) 2013, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ========// // // Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without // modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: // // Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this // list of conditions and the following disclaimer. // Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, // this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation // and/or other materials provided with the distribution. // // THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" // AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE // IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE // ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE // LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR // CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF // SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS // INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN // CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) // ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF // THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. //===========================================================================// // // Purpose: The file defines our Google Protocol Buffers which are used in over // the wire messages for the Source engine. // //============================================================================= // We care more about speed than code size option optimize_for = SPEED; // We don't use the service generation functionality option cc_generic_services = false; // // STYLE NOTES: // // Use CamelCase CMsgMyMessageName style names for messages. // // Use lowercase _ delimited names like my_steam_id for field names, this is non-standard for Steam, // but plays nice with the Google formatted code generation. // // Try not to use required fields ever. Only do so if you are really really sure you'll never want them removed. // Optional should be preffered as it will make versioning easier and cleaner in the future if someone refactors // your message and wants to remove or rename fields. // // Use fixed64 for JobId_t, GID_t, or SteamID. This is appropriate for any field that is normally // going to be larger than 2^56. Otherwise use int64 for 64 bit values that are frequently smaller // than 2^56 as it will safe space on the wire in those cases. // // Similar to fixed64, use fixed32 for RTime32 or other 32 bit values that are frequently larger than // 2^28. It will safe space in those cases, otherwise use int32 which will safe space for smaller values. // An exception to this rule for RTime32 is if the value will frequently be zero rather than set to an actual // time. // import "google/protobuf/descriptor.proto"; // for CMsgVector, etc. import "netmessages_public.proto"; import "cstrike15_gcmessages.proto"; //============================================================================= // CStrike15 User Messages //============================================================================= enum ECstrike15UserMessages { CS_UM_VGUIMenu = 1; CS_UM_Geiger = 2; CS_UM_Train = 3; CS_UM_HudText = 4; CS_UM_SayText = 5; CS_UM_SayText2 = 6; CS_UM_TextMsg = 7; CS_UM_HudMsg = 8; CS_UM_ResetHud = 9; CS_UM_GameTitle = 10; CS_UM_Shake = 12; CS_UM_Fade = 13; CS_UM_Rumble = 14; CS_UM_CloseCaption = 15; CS_UM_CloseCaptionDirect = 16; CS_UM_SendAudio = 17; CS_UM_RawAudio = 18; CS_UM_VoiceMask = 19; CS_UM_RequestState = 20; CS_UM_Damage = 21; CS_UM_RadioText = 22; CS_UM_HintText = 23; CS_UM_KeyHintText = 24; CS_UM_ProcessSpottedEntityUpdate = 25; CS_UM_ReloadEffect = 26; CS_UM_AdjustMoney = 27; CS_UM_StopSpectatorMode = 29; CS_UM_KillCam = 30; CS_UM_DesiredTimescale = 31; CS_UM_CurrentTimescale = 32; CS_UM_AchievementEvent = 33; CS_UM_MatchEndConditions = 34; CS_UM_DisconnectToLobby = 35; CS_UM_PlayerStatsUpdate = 36; CS_UM_DisplayInventory = 37; CS_UM_WarmupHasEnded = 38; CS_UM_ClientInfo = 39; CS_UM_XRankGet = 40; CS_UM_XRankUpd = 41; CS_UM_CallVoteFailed = 45; CS_UM_VoteStart = 46; CS_UM_VotePass = 47; CS_UM_VoteFailed = 48; CS_UM_VoteSetup = 49; CS_UM_ServerRankRevealAll = 50; CS_UM_SendLastKillerDamageToClient = 51; CS_UM_ServerRankUpdate = 52; CS_UM_ItemPickup = 53; CS_UM_ShowMenu = 54; CS_UM_BarTime = 55; CS_UM_AmmoDenied = 56; CS_UM_MarkAchievement = 57; CS_UM_MatchStatsUpdate = 58; CS_UM_ItemDrop = 59; CS_UM_GlowPropTurnOff = 60; CS_UM_SendPlayerItemDrops = 61; CS_UM_RoundBackupFilenames = 62; CS_UM_SendPlayerItemFound = 63; CS_UM_ReportHit = 64; CS_UM_XpUpdate = 65; CS_UM_QuestProgress = 66; CS_UM_ScoreLeaderboardData = 67; } message CCSUsrMsg_VGUIMenu { message Subkey { optional string name = 1; optional string str = 2; } optional string name = 1; optional bool show = 2; repeated .CCSUsrMsg_VGUIMenu.Subkey subkeys = 3; } message CCSUsrMsg_Geiger { optional int32 range = 1; } message CCSUsrMsg_Train { optional int32 train = 1; } message CCSUsrMsg_HudText { optional string text = 1; } message CCSUsrMsg_SayText { optional int32 ent_idx = 1; optional string text = 2; optional bool chat = 3; optional bool textallchat = 4; } message CCSUsrMsg_SayText2 { optional int32 ent_idx = 1; optional bool chat = 2; optional string msg_name = 3; repeated string params = 4; optional bool textallchat = 5; } message CCSUsrMsg_TextMsg { optional int32 msg_dst = 1; repeated string params = 3; } message CCSUsrMsg_HudMsg { optional int32 channel = 1; optional CMsgVector2D pos = 2; optional CMsgRGBA clr1 = 3; optional CMsgRGBA clr2 = 4; optional int32 effect = 5; optional float fade_in_time = 6; optional float fade_out_time = 7; optional float hold_time = 9; optional float fx_time = 10; optional string text = 11; } message CCSUsrMsg_Shake { optional int32 command = 1; optional float local_amplitude = 2; optional float frequency = 3; optional float duration = 4; } message CCSUsrMsg_Fade { optional int32 duration = 1; optional int32 hold_time = 2; optional int32 flags = 3; optional CMsgRGBA clr = 4; } message CCSUsrMsg_Rumble { optional int32 index = 1; optional int32 data = 2; optional int32 flags = 3; } message CCSUsrMsg_CloseCaption { optional uint32 hash = 1; optional int32 duration = 2; optional bool from_player = 3; } message CCSUsrMsg_CloseCaptionDirect { optional uint32 hash = 1; optional int32 duration = 2; optional bool from_player = 3; } message CCSUsrMsg_SendAudio { optional string radio_sound = 1; } message CCSUsrMsg_RawAudio { optional int32 pitch = 1; optional int32 entidx = 2; optional float duration = 3; optional string voice_filename = 4; } message CCSUsrMsg_VoiceMask { message PlayerMask { optional int32 game_rules_mask = 1; optional int32 ban_masks = 2; } repeated .CCSUsrMsg_VoiceMask.PlayerMask player_masks = 1; optional bool player_mod_enable = 2; } message CCSUsrMsg_Damage { optional int32 amount = 1; optional CMsgVector inflictor_world_pos = 2; optional int32 victim_entindex = 3; } message CCSUsrMsg_RadioText { optional int32 msg_dst = 1; optional int32 client = 2; optional string msg_name = 3; repeated string params = 4; } message CCSUsrMsg_HintText { optional string text = 1; } message CCSUsrMsg_KeyHintText { repeated string hints = 1; } message CCSUsrMsg_ProcessSpottedEntityUpdate { message SpottedEntityUpdate { optional int32 entity_idx = 1; optional int32 class_id = 2; optional int32 origin_x = 3; optional int32 origin_y = 4; optional int32 origin_z = 5; optional int32 angle_y = 6; optional bool defuser = 7; optional bool player_has_defuser = 8; optional bool player_has_c4 = 9; } optional bool new_update = 1; repeated .CCSUsrMsg_ProcessSpottedEntityUpdate.SpottedEntityUpdate entity_updates = 2; } message CCSUsrMsg_SendPlayerItemDrops { repeated .CEconItemPreviewDataBlock entity_updates = 1; } message CCSUsrMsg_SendPlayerItemFound { optional CEconItemPreviewDataBlock iteminfo = 1; optional int32 entindex = 2; } message CCSUsrMsg_ReloadEffect { optional int32 entidx = 1; optional int32 actanim = 2; optional float origin_x = 3; optional float origin_y = 4; optional float origin_z = 5; } message CCSUsrMsg_AdjustMoney { optional int32 amount = 1; } message CCSUsrMsg_ReportHit { optional float pos_x = 1; optional float pos_y = 2; optional float timestamp = 4; optional float pos_z = 3; } message CCSUsrMsg_KillCam { optional int32 obs_mode = 1; optional int32 first_target = 2; optional int32 second_target = 3; } message CCSUsrMsg_DesiredTimescale { optional float desired_timescale = 1; optional float duration_realtime_sec = 2; optional int32 interpolator_type = 3; optional float start_blend_time = 4; } message CCSUsrMsg_CurrentTimescale { optional float cur_timescale = 1; } message CCSUsrMsg_AchievementEvent { optional int32 achievement = 1; optional int32 count = 2; optional int32 user_id = 3; } message CCSUsrMsg_MatchEndConditions { optional int32 fraglimit = 1; optional int32 mp_maxrounds = 2; optional int32 mp_winlimit = 3; optional int32 mp_timelimit = 4; } message CCSUsrMsg_PlayerStatsUpdate { message Stat { optional int32 idx = 1; optional int32 delta = 2; } optional int32 version = 1; repeated .CCSUsrMsg_PlayerStatsUpdate.Stat stats = 4; optional int32 user_id = 5; optional int32 crc = 6; } message CCSUsrMsg_DisplayInventory { optional bool display = 1; optional int32 user_id = 2; } message CCSUsrMsg_QuestProgress { optional uint32 quest_id = 1; optional uint32 normal_points = 2; optional uint32 bonus_points = 3; optional bool is_event_quest = 4; } message CCSUsrMsg_ScoreLeaderboardData { optional ScoreLeaderboardData data = 1; } message CCSUsrMsg_XRankGet { optional int32 mode_idx = 1; optional int32 controller = 2; } message CCSUsrMsg_XRankUpd { optional int32 mode_idx = 1; optional int32 controller = 2; optional int32 ranking = 3; } message CCSUsrMsg_CallVoteFailed { optional int32 reason = 1; optional int32 time = 2; } message CCSUsrMsg_VoteStart { optional int32 team = 1; optional int32 ent_idx = 2; optional int32 vote_type = 3; optional string disp_str = 4; optional string details_str = 5; optional string other_team_str = 6; optional bool is_yes_no_vote = 7; } message CCSUsrMsg_VotePass { optional int32 team = 1; optional int32 vote_type = 2; optional string disp_str = 3; optional string details_str = 4; } message CCSUsrMsg_VoteFailed { optional int32 team = 1; optional int32 reason = 2; } message CCSUsrMsg_VoteSetup { repeated string potential_issues = 1; } message CCSUsrMsg_SendLastKillerDamageToClient { optional int32 num_hits_given = 1; optional int32 damage_given = 2; optional int32 num_hits_taken = 3; optional int32 damage_taken = 4; } message CCSUsrMsg_ServerRankUpdate { message RankUpdate { optional int32 account_id = 1; optional int32 rank_old = 2; optional int32 rank_new = 3; optional int32 num_wins = 4; optional float rank_change = 5; } repeated .CCSUsrMsg_ServerRankUpdate.RankUpdate rank_update = 1; } message CCSUsrMsg_XpUpdate { optional CMsgGCCstrike15_v2_GC2ServerNotifyXPRewarded data = 1; } message CCSUsrMsg_ItemPickup { optional string item = 1; } message CCSUsrMsg_ShowMenu { optional int32 bits_valid_slots = 1; optional int32 display_time = 2; optional string menu_string = 3; } message CCSUsrMsg_BarTime { optional string time = 1; } message CCSUsrMsg_AmmoDenied { optional int32 ammoIdx = 1; } message CCSUsrMsg_MarkAchievement { optional string achievement = 1; } message CCSUsrMsg_MatchStatsUpdate { optional string update = 1; } message CCSUsrMsg_ItemDrop { optional int64 itemid = 1; optional bool death = 2; } message CCSUsrMsg_GlowPropTurnOff { optional int32 entidx = 1; } message CCSUsrMsg_RoundBackupFilenames { optional int32 count = 1; optional int32 index = 2; optional string filename = 3; optional string nicename = 4; } message CCSUsrMsg_ResetHud { optional bool reset = 1; } message CCSUsrMsg_GameTitle { optional int32 dummy = 1; } message CCSUsrMsg_RequestState { optional int32 dummy = 1; } message CCSUsrMsg_StopSpectatorMode { optional int32 dummy = 1; } message CCSUsrMsg_DisconnectToLobby { optional int32 dummy = 1; } message CCSUsrMsg_WarmupHasEnded { optional int32 dummy = 1; } message CCSUsrMsg_ClientInfo { optional int32 dummy = 1; } message CCSUsrMsg_ServerRankRevealAll { optional int32 seconds_till_shutdown = 1; }