ir driver tool for testing ir memory
[henge/webcc.git] / src / Makefile
1 ################################################################################
2 # Desc: Mihrtec Standard Transpilation Makefile
3 # Author: Mihrtec LLC
4 # Date: 2016
5 ################################################################################
6 # This makefile manages a build environment targeting native platforms with gcc
7 # and web platforms with either emscripten or binaryen (js or wasm).
8 ################################################################################
9 # Each .c file is autopresidential debate california timematically compiled into an environment-dependent object
10 # file of compiler-specific format (.o for gcc, .bc for llvm/emcc/em++).
11 ################################################################################
12 default: all
13 # Source languages handled by this build system
14 LANGS := c cpp go
15 # Source-to-source languages handled by this build system
16 SLANGS := y rl
17 # Language-specific compilers and flags passed in from environment
18 c_C := $(strip $(notdir $(CC)))
19 c_FLAGS := $(strip $(CFLAGS)) -I.
20 c_LIBS := SDL2 wolfssl
21 c_SRCL := y
22 cpp_C := $(strip $(notdir $(CXX)))
23 cpp_FLAGS := $(strip $(CXXFLAGS)) $(c_FLAGS)
24 cpp_LIBS := $(c_LIBS)
25 go_C := gccgo
26 go_FLAGS := $(c_FLAGS)
27 # Source to source languages
28 # Bison
29 y_C := bison
30 y_FLAGS := -d
31 y_STEM := tab
32 y_TRG := c h
33 # Ragel
34 rl_C := ragel
35 rl_FLAGS := -C
36 rl_TRG := c
37 # Compiler-specific associations. Each compiler has a binary object suffix
38 # (OBJ), an archiver (AR), and an archiver object suffix (AROBJ). Each compiler
39 # may optionally have defined a linker (LD), and a binary output suffix (OUT).
40 cc_OBJ := o
41 cc_LD := $(LD)
42 cc_AR := $(AR)
43 cc_AROBJ := a
44 cc_DBG := gdb
45 $(cpp_C)_LD := $(cc_LD)
46 gcc_OBJ := $(cc_OBJ)
47 gcc_LD := $(cc_LD)
48 ngcc_AR := $(cc_AR)
49 gcc_AROBJ := $(cc_AROBJ)
50 gcc_DBG := $(cc_DBG)
51 emcc_OBJ := bc
52 emcc_AR := emar
53 emcc_AROBJ := $(emcc_OBJ) #emar is just a python script that reparses shit for emcc
54 emcc_OUT := .js
55 g++_OBJ := $(cc_OBJ)
56 em++_OBJ := $(emcc_OBJ)
57 em++_AR := $(emcc_AR)
58 em++_AROBJ := $(emcc_AROBJ)
59 em++_OUT := $(emcc_OUT)
60 gccgo_OBJ := o
61 gccgo_LD := $(cc_LD)
62 gccgo_AR := $(cc_AR)
63 gccgo_AROBJ := $(cc_AROBJ)
64 # Shell functions to determine what libraries can be linked by the compiler
65 cc_LDLIBS := $(shell ls /usr/lib | grep ".o" | sed -e 's@^.*lib\([_\+a-zA-Z0-9\-]*\)\..*@\1@g')
66 gcc_LDLIBS := $(cc_LDLIBS)
67 emcc_LDLIBS :=
68 g++_LDLIBS := $(cc_LDLIBS)
69 em++_LDLIBS :=
70 go_LDLIBS := $(cc_LDLIBS)
71 # Directories
72 # The directory in './' containing app drivers and compilation info
73 DRIVER_DIR := bin
74 ROOT_DIR := ..
75 LIB_DIR := $(ROOT_DIR)/lib$(shell uname -m)/$($(c_C)_OBJ)
76 LIBDL_DIR := $(LIB_DIR)/.cache
77 LIBINC_DIR := $(ROOT_DIR)/include
78 # The makefile MUST be capable of generating these directories and all of their
79 # contents. These directories are removed during the 'scrub' rule
81 # Set up lib inclusions, and scan for built libs
83 c_OBJ := $($(c_C)_OBJ)
84 # Modules are any directories other than 'DRIVER_MODULE' in './' and produce a
85 # single object file in './' containing all of the module's symbols and
86 # binaries.
87 MODULES := $(filter-out $(DRIVER_DIR),$(subst /,,$(shell ls -d */)))
89 # The following awk program reverses the order of a list while also removing
90 # duplicate entries. The effect of this when run on the dependency tree is that
91 # it will remove duplicates occurring in reverse order, allowing the most deeply
92 # nested libraries to be built, and linked, first.
94 awk \
95 '
96 { for(i=NF;i>0;i--)
97 printf (!a[$$i]++) ? $$i FS : "";
98 i=split("",a);
99 print ""
100 }
101 '
102 endef
104 # Compile any source-to-source languages before executing the majority of make
106 # Find the sources for each source-to-source language
107 $(foreach slang,$(SLANGS),
108 $(eval SLANG_SRC := $(patsubst ./%,%,$(filter-out .%,$(shell find -name "*.$(slang)"))))
109 # Foreach target type in the source-to-source language, add this source's
110 # targets to the list of the current source-to-source language targets
111 $(foreach trg,$($(slang)_TRG),
112 $(eval SLANG_TRG += $(SLANG_SRC:%.$(slang)=%.$(if $($(slang)_STEM),$($(slang)_STEM).)$(trg))))
113 # Stat the source file's last-modified time to the var SRC_TIME
114 $(foreach src,$(SLANG_SRC),
115 $(eval SRC_TIME := $(shell stat -c %Y $(src)))
116 # For each of the targets created by this source language, evaluate the
117 # last-modified times of each potential target. If the file does not exist, set
118 # the time to '0', otherwise set it to the -c %Y result from statting the file.
119 $(foreach srctrg,$(filter $(basename $(src))%, $(SLANG_TRG)),
120 $(eval TRG_TIMES += $(if $(wildcard $(srctrg)),$(shell stat -c %Y $(srctrg)),0)==$(srctrg)))
121 # Sort TRG_TIMES, which will produce a list of oldest-first files and timestamps
122 # of the form [last-modified-deltatime]==[filename]
123 $(eval TRG_TIMES := $(shell echo $(sort $(TRG_TIMES)) | $(call AWK_REVERSE_SQUASH)))
124 # Evaluate the newest time from our ordered list by splitting the word up by its
125 # '==' connectors and looking at the first word
126 $(eval NEWEST_TRG_TIME := $(word 1,$(subst ==, ,$(TRG_TIMES))))
127 # Find the older of the two times (between SRC_TIME and NEWEST_TRG_TIME)
128 $(eval OLDER_TIME := $(firstword $(sort $(NEWEST_TRG_TIME) $(SRC_TIME))))
129 # If the older of the two times is the newest target time found, then we need to
130 # rebuild, but only if our build rule intends to actually make something
131 $(if $(MAKECMDGOALS),
132 $(eval BUILDGOALS := $(filter-out clean scrub purge uninstall,$(MAKECMDGOALS))),
133 $(eval BUILDGOALS := all))
134 $(if $(and $(BUILDGOALS),$(filter $(OLDER_TIME),$(NEWEST_TRG_TIME))),
135 $(eval SHELL_CMD := cd $(dir $(src)) && $($(slang)_C) $($(slang)_FLAGS) $(notdir $(src)))
136 $(info SHELL_CMD := cd $(dir $(src)) && $($(slang)_C) $($(slang)_FLAGS) $(notdir $(src)))
137 $(info $(SHELL_CMD) $(shell $(SHELL_CMD)))
138 )
139 # Put these targets on the MAKE_TARGETS list to be removed during "clean",
140 # regardless of whether or not they were built just now.
141 $(eval MAKE_TARGETS+= $(SLANG_TRG))
142 ))
143 endef
144 # Compile a source language to a language that compiles to binary, but only if
145 # our build rule intends to build some kind of target
146 $(eval $(call PREMAKE_SOURCE_COMPILER,))
149 # Backup the CVS password and CVSROOT environment vars in case we change them
150 $(if $(wildcard ~/.cvspass),\
151 $(eval CVSPASS_BAK := $(file <~/.cvspass)))
152 $(if $(CVSROOT),\
153 $(eval CVSROOT_BAK := $(CVSROOT)))
155 # A long function definition to grab deps from the source's compiler and route
156 # errors to /dev/null if the rule generator expresses bogus errors
158 $(filter-out \ %:,$(shell $($2_C) $3 $4 -MG $1 2> /dev/null))
159 endef
161 # Given a source and a language, generate a rule to make the object. The second
162 # invocation of gcc per file lists only its local includes, and filters out
163 # anything already caught. Anything remaining should be considered to be
164 # available in the current working directory of the source file(i.e. if you
165 # '#include "something.h"' in 'mymodule/horseradish.c', you would expect to
166 # include 'mymodule/something.h'. this check lets that happen), otherwise it is
167 # some kind of user error
168 define SRC_LANG_RULE =
169 $(if $($1),,$(eval $1 := t)\
170 $(eval MOD := $(filter $(MODULES),$(firstword $(subst /, ,$(dir $1)))))\
171 $(eval FLG := $($2_FLAGS) $(MOD:%=-I% ))\
172 $(if $(wildcard $1),
173 $(eval DEPS := $(filter-out \ %:,$(shell $($2_C) $(FLG) -M -MG $1)))\
174 $(eval MDEPS := $(filter $(MODULES:%=%/%),$(DEPS)))\
175 $(eval LOST := $(filter-out \ %: $(DRIVER_DIR)/% $(MODULES:%=%/%),$(shell $($2_C) $(FLG) -MM -MG $1)))\
176 $(eval MDEPS += $(LOST:%=$(dir $1)%))\
177 $(eval MDEPS := $(shell echo $(MDEPS) | sed -e 's@[a-zA-Z0-9\-\+/]*\.\./include@../include@g'))\
178 $(eval ALLDEPS := $(MDEPS) $(DEPS)),\
179 $(error Cannot generate deps for: $1, file not found))\
180 $(eval SRC_OBJ := $(basename $1).$($2_OBJ))\
181 $(eval MAKE_TARGETS+= $(SRC_OBJ))\
183 # Object for $1
184 $(SRC_OBJ): $(ALLDEPS)
185 $($2_C) $$($2_FLAGS) $(FLG) -c -o $$@ $1
186 $(if $($2_DBG),\
187 $(eval DBG_OBJ := $(dir $1).$($2_DBG)/$(basename $(notdir $1)).$($2_OBJ))\
188 $(if $(findstring $(dir $(DBG_OBJ)),$(MAKE_DIRS)),,\
189 $(eval MAKE_DIRS += $(dir $(DBG_OBJ))))
190 # Object for $1 with $($2_DBG) symbols
191 $(DBG_OBJ): $(ALLDEPS) | $(dir $(DBG_OBJ))
192 $($2_C) $$($2_FLAGS) $(FLG) -Og -g$($2_DBG) -c -o $$@ $1
193 ))
194 endef
196 # establish a build and link rule given a source driver and language ############
197 define SRC_LANG_DRVRULE =
198 $(eval DRIVER_NAME := $(basename $(notdir $1)))
199 $(eval DRIVER_TARG := $(1:%.$2=$(ROOT_DIR)/%$($2_OUT)))
200 $(eval DRIVER_SOB := $(basename $1).$($2_OBJ))
202 # Generate a rule for the driver object
203 $(eval $(call SRC_LANG_RULE,$1,$2))
205 # Modules can be implicitly specified by a driver if its dependencies include
206 # ANY files from any module directory. The 'MDEPS' var is set by SRC_LANG_RULE
207 # and expresses the dependencies required to build the object file only.
208 $(foreach module_dep,$(MDEPS),
209 $(eval DRIVER_MODULES += $(firstword $(subst /, ,$(module_dep))))
210 )
211 $(eval DRIVER_MODULES := $(filter-out $(DRIVER_DIR) ..,$(sort $(DRIVER_MODULES))))
213 # In the event that the driver developer does not wish to include a header to
214 # any internal modules, the developer may instead create a file with the same
215 # basename as the driver, but with the '.ld' suffix, which contains a space
216 # separated list of internal modules to link together during compilation
217 $(eval DRIVER_MODULES += $(file <$(1:%.$2=%.ld)))
219 # List of module archives to link together during compilation
220 $(eval DRIVER_ARCHIVES := $(DRIVER_MODULES:%=%.$($2_AROBJ)))
222 $(eval DRIVER_DBGARCHIVES := $(DRIVER_MODULES:%=.$($2_DBG)/%.$($2_AROBJ)))
223 $(eval DRIVER_DBGDEPS := $(dir $(DRIVER_SOB)).$($2_DBG)/$(notdir $(DRIVER_SOB)))
226 # If the compiler supports linking, distinguish static from dynamic links,
227 # otherwise set all libraries to static
228 $(if $($($2_C)_LD),\
229 $(eval STLIBS := $(filter-out $($($2_C)_LDLIBS),$($2_LIBS)))\
230 $(eval DLIBS := $(filter-out $(STLIBS),$($2_LIBS))),\
231 $(eval STLIBS := $($2_LIBS)))
233 # Directory setup
234 $(eval DRIVER_TARG_DIR := $(dir $(1:%.$2=$(ROOT_DIR)/%)))
235 $(eval MAKE_DIRS += $(DRIVER_TARG_DIR))
236 $(if $($2_DBG),$(eval MAKE_DIRS += $(DRIVER_TARG_DIR).$($2_DBG)))
238 # Setup the sources for this object. A driver build rule does not include any
239 # compile steps at all, and so should not contain any sources that are,
240 # themselves, traditional "source files" like a language-compiled 'c' file. The
241 # driver depends on the existence of its equivalent object file (created through
242 # compilation), which is expected to contain a 'main' function (or entry for
243 # '_start'). This driver object is then simply linked to its libraries and
244 # module archives to create an executable binary in the output folder.
245 # ORDER MATTERS HERE, this is for the linker:
246 $(eval DRIVER_SRC := $(DRIVER_DEPS))
248 # Iterate through the list of libraries in our language and stack commands from
249 # left to right in the "sources" section of the LD command (or LD section of the
250 # commandline for the compiler), to preserve ordering and also ensure that it is
251 # linked correctly IN THAT ORDER (static vs dynamic).
252 $(foreach lib,$($2_LIBS),\
253 $(if $(findstring $(lib),$(STLIBS)),
254 # Evaluate static lib $(lib) and add it to the dependencies and sources of the rules we built
255 $(eval STATIC_SRC := $(LIB_DIR)/lib$(lib).$($2_AROBJ))\
256 $(eval STATIC_DBGSRC := $(LIB_DIR)/.$($2_DBG)/lib$(lib).$($2_AROBJ))\
257 $(eval DRIVER_SRC := $(STATIC_SRC) $(DRIVER_SRC))\
259 $(eval DRIVER_DEPS += $(STATIC_SRC))\
261 # Add dynamic lib to the sources with a link flag, in its correct ordering
262 $(eval DRIVER_SRC := -l$(lib) $(DRIVER_SRC))\
263 $(eval DRIVER_DBGSRC := -l$(lib) $(DRIVER_DBGSRC))\
264 ))
266 # Add the driver target to this language's targets for cleaning
269 $($2_C) $($2_FLAGS) $(DRIVER_SRC) -o $$@
270 # Output a rule for building with debug flags
271 $(eval DRIVER_DBGTARG := $(DRIVER_TARG_DIR)$(basename $(notdir $(DRIVER_TARG)))-d$($2_OUT))
273 $(eval MAKE_DIRS += $(DRIVER_TARG_DIR).$($2_DBG)/)
275 $($2_C) $($2_FLAGS) $(DRIVER_DBGSRC) -o $$@
276 # Make a rule to run this driver after building
281 #/SRC_LANG_DRVRULE##############################################################
282 endef
284 # generate rule for turning an entire module's collection of binary objects into
285 # a single locally-linked (no external -L libs) object (for simplified linking
286 # modules as static libs).
287 define MODULE_ARCRULE =
288 $(eval ARCDEPS := $(filter $1/%.$(c_OBJ),$(foreach lang,$(LANGS),$($(lang)_MOD_TRG))))\
289 $(eval MAKE_TARGETS+= $1.$(c_AROBJ))\
291 $1.$(c_AROBJ): $(ARCDEPS)
292 $(c_AR) cr $$@ $$^
293 $(if $(c_DBG),
294 $(eval undefine DBGARCDEPS)
295 $(foreach arcdep,$(ARCDEPS),$(eval DBGARCDEPS += $(dir $(arcdep)).$(c_DBG)/$(notdir $(arcdep))))
296 $(eval MAKE_TARGETS+= .$(c_DBG)/$1.$(c_AROBJ))\
298 .$(c_DBG)/$1.$(c_AROBJ): $(DBGARCDEPS) | .$(c_DBG)/
299 $(c_AR) cr $$@ $$^
300 )
301 endef
303 # LANG_LIB_PARENT_BUILDRULE######################################################
304 # define rules for creating unknown libraries in the local build environment for
305 # either binary or bytecode representation given a library name and, optionally,
306 # a parent lib that included it for error reporting #############################
308 $(eval CONF_FLAG := --prefix=$(abspath $(LIB_DIR)).trash)
309 $(eval CONF_FLAG += --includedir=$(abspath $(LIBINC_DIR)))
310 # Setup installation rule steps for this lib
311 $(eval
312 BUILDSTEPS := $(if $(AUTOGEN),$(AUTOGEN) && )
313 BUILDSTEPS += $(if $(CONFIGURE),$(CONFIGURE) $(CONF_FLAG) --libdir=$(abspath $(LIB_DIR)) && )
314 $(if $(MKCMD),\
316 $(error $ requires a valid MKCMD definition))
317 $(if $(MKINSTALL),\
319 $(error $ requires a valid MKINSTALL definition))
321 )
322 # Construct the download method, or error if there isn't a valid one
323 $(if $(GITADDR),$(eval LIBDL := git clone $(GITADDR) $2),\
324 $(if $(HGADDR),$(eval LIBDL := hg clone $(HGADDR) $2),\
325 $(if $(CVSADDR),\
326 $(eval LIBDL := export CVSROOT=$(CVSADDR))\
327 $(eval LIBDL += && echo '$(CVSPASS)' > ~/.cvspass)\
328 $(eval LIBDL += && cvs $($2_CVSGET))
329 $(eval LIBDL += && $(if $(CVSPASS_BAK),echo $(CVSPASS_BAK) > ~/.cvspass,rm ~/.cvspass)),\
330 $(if $(WEBADDR),$(eval LIBDL := wget -O $(WEBTARG) $(WEBADDR)),\
331 $(eval $(error No way to download $2 needed by $3 for $1 language ))))))
332 # '$2' Download Rule
333 $(LIBDL_DIR)/$2:
334 mkdir -p $$@
335 cd $(LIBDL_DIR) && $(LIBDL) $(if $(WEBINIT),&& $(WEBINIT))
336 # '$2' Make and install rule, and ensure it isn't marked "clean"
337 $(LIB_DIR)/lib$2.$($1_AROBJ): $(LIBDEPS:%=$(LIB_DIR)/lib%.$($1_AROBJ)) | $(LIBDL_DIR)/$2
338 @mkdir -p $(LIB_DIR)
339 cd $(LIBDL_DIR)/$2 && export LD_RUN_PATH=$(LIBLDPATH) && $(BUILDSTEPS)
340 cd $(LIBDL_DIR)/$2 && $(INSTALLCMD)
341 @rm -f $(LIBDL_DIR)/$2.clean
343 # '$2' Rule for building under debug mode
344 $(if $($1_DBG),\
345 $(eval LIBDBG_DIR := $(LIB_DIR)/.$($1_DBG))\
346 $(eval $(if $(findstring $(LIBDBG_DIR),$(MAKE_DIRS)),,MAKE_DIRS += $(LIBDBG_DIR)))\
347 $(eval LIBDBG_TARG := $(LIBDBG_DIR)/lib$2.$($1_AROBJ))\
348 $(eval LIBDBG_DEPS := $(LIBDEPS:%=$(LIB_DIR)/.$($1_DBG)/lib%.$($1_AROBJ)))\
349 $(eval DBGBUILDSTEPS := $(if $(AUTOGEN),$(if $(AUTOGENDBG),$(AUTOGENDBG),$(AUTOGEN)) && ))\
350 $(eval DBGBUILDSTEPS += $(if $(CONFIGURE),$(if $(CONFIGUREDBG),$(CONFIGUREDBG),$(CONFIGURE)) $(CONF_FLAG) --libdir=$(abspath $(LIB_DIR))/.$($1_DBG)))\
351 $(eval DBGBUILDSTEPS += $(if $(MKDBGCMD),$(MKDBGCDM),$(MKCMD)))\
353 # '$2' Make and install rule for debugging
355 @mkdir -p $(LIBDBG_DIR)
357 cd $(LIBDL_DIR)/$2 && $(INSTALLCMD)
358 @rm -f $(LIBDL_DIR)/$2.clean
359 )
361 # '$2' Clean rule - drop a marker in the directory so we don't bother cleaning
362 # things that are clean... by default there is no real way of tracking this in a
363 # makefile
364 clean_$2:
365 $$(if $$(wildcard $(LIBDL_DIR)/$2),$$(if $$(wildcard $(LIBDL_DIR)/$2.clean),,\
366 cd $(LIBDL_DIR)/$2 && $(CLEANCMD) && touch $(abspath $(LIBDL_DIR))/$2.clean))
368 #/LANG_LIB_PARENT_BUILDRULE######################################################
369 endef
372 #LANG_LIB_INIT###################################################################
373 # For every library in this language, we need to determine how, and if, to link
374 # its data. This could potentially be done recursively as libraries have
375 # dependencies upon each other. We call a recursive macro here to expand out
376 # all the libs for this language, and then flatten the tree by removing
377 # duplicates with shell commands. We can't use make's 'sort' function because
378 # we actually care about the ordering so that interdependent libraries can link
379 # back up the tree ##############################################################
380 define LANG_LIB_INIT =
381 # Initialize per-library data, then import data from an accompanying file that
382 # can overwrite these vars
383 $(eval
384 # Implicit defaults for files
385 AUTOGEN := ./
386 AUTOGENDBG := ./ --enable-debug
387 CONFIGURE := ./configure
388 MKCMD := make -k
389 MKINSTALL := make -k install
390 MKCLEAN := make clean
391 MKDBGCMD := make -k
392 LIBDEPS :=
393 LIBLANGS := c cpp go
394 LIBLDPATH := $(if $($($1_C)_LD),$(if $(LD_LIBRARY_PATH),$(LD_LIBRARY_PATH):,/usr/lib:)$(abspath $(LIB_DIR)))
395 # One of these must be defined in the .mk file imported
397 $(eval undefine $(var)))
398 # Other, optional, variables to clear
400 $(eval undefine $(var)))
401 )
402 # Include and evaluate such that it may be called and evaluated for immediate
403 # evaluation of its contents
404 define EVALINCLUDE =
405 $(eval include $
406 endef
407 # If there is a .mk file for this lib, import it. Otherwise, we'll try to link
408 # it later, unless there is no linker for the language's compiler.
409 $(if $(wildcard $,$(eval $(file <$,\
410 $(if $($($1_C)_LD),\
411 $(warning No $ for lib$2, attempting to link from the system),\
412 $(error No $ for lib$2 and '$($1_C)' is not configured for linking)))\
414 # Add dependencies we found (potentially recursively, ignore repeats until later
415 # so we can preserve ordering information for interdependency build ordering)
416 $(if $(LIBDEPS),\
417 $(eval $1_LIBS += $(LIBDEPS)))
418 # languages that can link this library (typically any lang that shares the
419 # object format (ELF by default, but this is compiler-dependent (e.g. emcc uses
420 # llvm bitcode, which is just an intermediary representation of data that can
421 # link to anything else statically, or as an archive)))
422 $(if $(findstring $1,$(LIBLANGS)),,\
423 $(error $ must specifically set LIBLANGS := $1 if it is compatible with $1))
424 # Mark this lib as available for all its other compatible languages. This list
425 # is assumed to be sorted later, so we will ignore repeats for speed
426 $(foreach lang,$(LIBLANGS),\
427 $(if $(findstring $2,$($(lang)_LIBS)),,\
428 $(eval $(lang)_LIBS += $2)))
429 # Generate a build rule for this lib, unless it's already built
430 $(if $(findstring $2,$(BUILTLIBS)),,\
431 $(eval $(call LANG_LIB_PARENT_BUILDRULE,$1,$2,$3))\
432 $(eval BUILTLIBS += $2))
433 # Recurse this function for every libdep encountered
434 $(foreach libdep,$(LIBDEPS),\
435 $(call LANG_LIB_INIT,$1,$(libdep),$2))
436 #/LANG_LIB_INIT#################################################################
437 endef
439 # Initialize data for supported lanaguages ######################################
440 define LANG_INIT =
441 $(eval
442 $1_OBJ := $($($1_C)_OBJ)
443 $1_OUT := $($($1_C)_OUT)
444 $1_AROBJ := $($($1_C)_AROBJ)
445 $1_SOURCES := $(subst ./,,$(shell find -name "*.$1"))
446 $1_DBG := $($($1_C)_DBG)
447 $1_AR := $($($1_C)_AR)
448 )
449 # Find save language-specific driver and module sources and targets
450 $(eval $1_DRV_SRC := $(filter $(DRIVER_DIR)/%,$($1_SOURCES)))
451 $(eval $1_DRV_TRG := $(patsubst %.$1,$(ROOT_DIR)/%$($1_OUT),$($1_DRV_SRC)))
452 $(eval $1_MOD_SRC := $(filter-out $(DRIVER_DIR)/%,$($1_SOURCES)))
453 $(eval $1_MOD_TRG := $(subst .$1,.$($1_OBJ),$($1_MOD_SRC)))
454 # Add those sources and targets to a language-irreverant var
455 $(eval
456 DRV_SRC += $($1_DRV_SRC)
457 DRV_TRG += $($1_DRV_TRG)
458 MOD_SRC += $($1_MOD_SRC)
459 MOD_TRG += $($1_MOD_TRG)
460 )\
461 # First, initialize language-module, module, and language relative data. Then,
462 # filter out each source file from the module and generate Dependency Rules and
463 # Module Object Rules for each of them.
464 $(foreach module,$(MODULES),
465 # Evaluate the module sources for this language
466 $(eval $(module)_$1_SRC := $(filter $(module)/%,$($1_MOD_SRC)))
467 # Evaluate module targets for this language
468 $(eval $(module)_$1_TRG := $($(module)_$1_SRC:%.$1=%.$($1_OBJ)))
469 # Add these language-specific sources and targets to the module's src/targs
470 $(eval
471 $(module)_SRC += $($(module)_$1_SRC)
472 $(module)_TRG += $($(module)_$1_TRG)
473 )
474 # For every source file, create a build rule for it for our language
475 $(foreach src,$(filter $(module)/%,$($1_MOD_SRC)),\
476 $(eval $(call SRC_LANG_RULE,$(src),$1))\
477 ))
478 # For all the listed libraries, initialize the library, which will set up all of
479 # its local ($1_LIBS, etc) data
480 $(foreach lib,$($1_LIBS),\
481 $(eval $(call LANG_LIB_INIT,$1,$(lib),$1)))
482 # The initializer produces an ordered list of interlinked dependencies in groups
483 # by depth, so when reading backwards and compressing repeats we are left with a
484 # reliable build order for library interlinking. this awk program just looks
485 # through a list of space separated words backwards failing to print when it
486 # encounters a repeat
487 $1_LIBS := $(shell echo "$($1_LIBS)" | $(call AWK_REVERSE_SQUASH))
488 #/LANG_INIT######################################################################
489 endef
491 # The recursive library dependecy traversal constructs a tree ordered by nested
492 # dependency depth. when linking, this order is reversed.
493 # Initialize each language and look for its files
494 $(eval $(foreach lang,$(LANGS),\
495 $(eval $(call LANG_INIT,$(lang)))\
496 $(eval $(lang)_LIBS := $(shell echo $($(lang)_LIBS) | $(call AWK_REVERSE_SQUASH)))\
497 ))
499 # Create module object rules for each module
500 $(foreach module,$(MODULES),\
501 $(eval $(call MODULE_ARCRULE,$(module)))\
502 )
503 $(if $(c_DBG),$(eval MAKE_DIRS += .$(c_DBG)/))
505 # Create lang-specific rules for producing final (linked) targets
506 $(foreach lang,$(LANGS),\
507 $(foreach drvsrc,$($(lang)_DRV_SRC),\
508 $(eval $(call SRC_LANG_DRVRULE,$(drvsrc),$(lang)))\
509 ))
511 # Create driver rules for each driver we found, let users call make specifying
512 # the basename of the driver file, and just route to the correct linkrule we
513 # made in the last paragraph
514 DRV_FNAMES := $(notdir $(DRV_SRC))
515 .PHONY: all $(basename $(DRV_NAMES))
516 $(foreach fname,$(DRV_FNAMES),\
517 $(eval $(basename $(fname)): \
518 $(filter %/$(basename $(fname))$($(lastword $(subst ., ,$(fname))_OUT)),$(DRV_TRG)))\
519 )
520 all: $(basename $(DRV_FNAMES))
521 @echo Build Complete
523 # Rule to make any dirs that we're in charge of
524 $(sort $(MAKE_DIRS)):
525 @mkdir -p $@
527 # Cleaning rules.
528 # Clean destroys all object files and internal module archives.
529 CLEAN_TARGETS := $(sort $(foreach mtarg,$(MAKE_TARGETS),$(if $(wildcard $(mtarg)),$(mtarg))))
530 clean: $(BUILTLIBS:%=clean_%)
533 # Scrub destroys all distributable binaries
534 SCRUB_TARGETS := $(sort $(foreach starg,$(SCRUB_TARGETS),$(if $(wildcard $(starg)),$(starg))))
535 scrub: clean
538 # Purge destroys all distributables created by a distributable binary
539 # (e.g. assets)
541 # Uninstall destroys all objects and directories that cannot be recreated by
542 # this make file
543 uninstall: scrub
544 rm -Rf $(MAKE_DIRS)